The Lies About Holy Spirit In Churches of Today

Today, many Christians misunderstand and misinterpret the evidence of Holy Spirit in them and other people. Most Christians and Christian leaders believe the evidence of Holy Spirit is only when you speak in tongues. This has misled so many Christians in churches, leaving many confused and uninformed. I wouldn’t blame this people because these are the teachings they have learnt from their pastors, and their pastors have also inherited this from their leaders due to lack of understanding and knowledge of the scriptures. On the other hand, I blame these Christians, as many find it difficult to spend time studying the scriptures in order to find the truth themselves.

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First of all, let me make this clear that the manifestation of the Holy Spirit can be in different ways, such as vision, dreams, and prophesy (Acts 2:17). Paul also explained this further that the Holy Spirit could be the gift of words of wisdom, gift of faith, gift of healing, gift of knowledge, discerning spirit, tongues, interpretation of tongues…and all is the same spirit that manifests in different ways, depending on the one you want and ask for (1Corinthians 12:4-14). Now, if you’re being told you don’t have the Holy Spirit because you don’t speak in tongue, the person is a liar! If you can confess that Jesus is Lord, then the Holy Spirit is inside of you (1Corinthians 12:3). The problem is many Christians do not groom this spirit in them, they do not allow it to grow, and then it becomes inactive or trace.

Speaking in tongue does not edify the body and it is a sign for the unbelievers and not believers (1Corinthians 14:1-19, 21-22). Why then do Pentecostal churches only rely on this that does not edify the body of Christ. During church services, pastors speak in tongue, the congregation are also speaking in tongue at the same time, and it becomes noise, and they think they are talking God. Sorry to break your heart, they are only speaking into the air and not to God 1Corinthians 14:9). If your pastor is speaking in tongue in the front of the congregation and cannot interpret, tell him to shut up! and go read 1Corinthians 14:27-33.

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Also, everyone is entitled to the Holy Spirit (Acts 11:17), if you feel you don’t have it Jesus said you should ask (Luke 11:9-13), you don’t need your pastor lay hands on you, that’s why Jesus died for you in order to have direct access to him unlike the days of Moses when a prophet/mediator is required. I hope this message opens your eyes and stop being fooled by so called men of God, pick up your bible and study the scriptures yourself, and you will be amazed how God will open the eyes of your heart.

9 thoughts on “The Lies About Holy Spirit In Churches of Today

  1. Great way to speak on this. I like when you said, “The problem is many Christians do not groom this spirit in them, they do not allow it to grow, and then it becomes inactive or trace.”

    In order for the spirit inside of us to grow, we need to continue to dive deep into God’s Word every day.

    “I hope this message opens your eyes and stop being fooled by so called men of God, pick up your bible and study the scriptures yourself, and you will be amazed how God will open the eyes of your heart.”

    We as Christians are to read God’s Word fault in order to help us not only understand the Scriptures but also to built our religion with the Father.

    If you want to learn more about the gifts of the Holy Spirit, my friend T.R. Noble has a blog post that covers this topic. The link is below:

    I also wanted to take this time and thank you for following my blog. I don’t know what made you decide to follow, but I pray that something is said on my blog that impacts, encourages, uplifts, and inspires you to live your life for Christ.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. You’re right on in this article. Making Christians feel they are inferior because they haven’t yet had the gift of tongues is definitely leading the sheep into thorny thickets where they suffer needless guilt. the gifts of the spirit are listed as charity, peace, patience, joy, etc. Fruits that edify the church. Enthusiasm is wonderful, but noise and movement aren’t gifts of the Spirit. The sheep drink by the quiet streams.

    We were in a church once where almost everyone was making sounds, calling it the gift of tongues, but the preacher was able to turn it off and on like a water tap. When he thought it was enough, he waved his arms and everyone stopped. It didn’t at all feel like the leading of the Holy Spirit and it was out of order, for Paul writes, “Only two or three and always with an interpreter.”

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I believe that this theology is based on historic accounts but is a misuse of scripture – most (all but one I think) Acts accounts mention tongues as a sign that showed up in new believers filled with the Holy Spirit – it would be correct to say the initial evidence experienced by the early church was tongues, at least from what we can tell in most of the Acts accounts, however this should not be used to form a doctrine but rather as a simple fact from history.

    Unfortunately the main or initial evidence has gone from a historically accurate account to a doctrine that now says that the initial evidence of the baptism of the Holy Spirit IS tongues, not a historical reference that says it WAS tongues.

    This changes the way God moved through His Spirit from a moment in time that perfectly fit what was going on to a man made doctrine that says this is how God always works and the only way God works – based on that logic we need to start spitting in blind people’s eyes so they can be healed because it is the way it happened so it is the way it should happen


    1. Speaking in tongue is a sign but not the only sign and evidence of the Holy Spirit. By the way it’s a sign for the Unbelievers as said in 1 Corinthians, and that’s why in Acts 2 in the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit came upon them they were speaking in tongue and the unbelievers were amazed how the desciples were able to speak their native languages, and many unbelievers believed that day. Aside the day of Pentecost, which tongue was used as a sign for the unbelievers, was there any other account of them speaking in tongue? The Holy Spirit manifest in diverse ways as you also mentioned. However, this is not a misuse of the scripture nor theology, theology is based on human understanding of the scriptures mostly just like we study science. This is the raw truth about the bible, and I have put it here the way the Holy Spirit taught me, I’m not a theologian. Most Theologians and pastors have been a major problem of Christianity and they have turned it to religion rather a life style of Christ. In summary, speaking in tongue is not the only way the Holy Spirit manifest and according to the teachings of Paul is the least that one should seek among the gift of the Holy Spirit. Other gifts include faith, healing, dreams, prophecy, vision, teaching, discerning, gift of giving, etc.


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      1. Acts has Cornelius gathering – as well as a few others – I am agreeing with you premise just pointing out the history of the umbilical doctrine you are speaking against – this history and post bible times moves of the Spirit where tongues were a part have caused this to become a doctrine – I agree that tongues is a sign for the believer but it is also referred to in the same passage of 1 Corinthians14 as a prayer language for one’s own edification which in no way is a sign to anyone but the believer – really enjoyed your post!

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