Sound Doctrine is Scarce In Churches of Today

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As of today, there are several doctrines in Christianity and each churches claim their doctrine is the one acceptable to God. The question is; does God has a doctrine? Doctrine simply means a belief or set of belief practiced by churches, this means doctrine is of this world and not an element of the kingdom of God. Paul shed some light on what a sound doctrine is in 1Timothy 1:8-10. Sound doctrine (i.e. a belief and faith based on Jesus) does not associate with the law. Paul said the law is not made for the righteous but for the ungodly, liars, sodomites, unholy, fornicators and so on. This means if your church or doctrine obeys any aspect or any form of the law then it’s not a sound doctrine based on Jesus. Today so many prophesies have been made by prophets and pastors, which did not come to pass, and people still listen to these prophets and pastors today, when it’s obvious that they are liars, and they lack sound doctrine, they only follow the doctrine of their master (master of liars), satan (John 8:44).

We are in the “latter times” as Paul mentioned in 1Timothy 4:1-4, so many deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons everywhere. We now have doctrines that forbid marriages and doctrines that condemns some kind of foods. These are not of God, but demonic doctrines. A sound doctrine is love from a pure heart, from good conscience, and from sincere faith (1Timothy 5). It is unfortunate that so-called churches of today are full of fables and motivational talks, rather than godly edification in faith. The passion for the kingdom has grown faint, while the passion for the kingdom of this world is growing stronger in churches today.

The most dangerous aspect is that a huge percentage or 99.9% of a church may not actually genuinely know God, and the pastor of the church is not bordered so far the congregation are paying their tithe and seeds, or the pastor does not genuinely know God too, or he is just a liar who is on the mission of misleading as much as he can. This is the world we are today- a world where it’s hard for people to obey and understand the scripture in it’s raw form without adding human spices in order to make it suit them. Sound doctrine is extremely simple (love), but will not make the pastor rich, which is why churches have different diluted forms of doctrines to suit their needs, and feed the congregation what their itching ears want to hear.

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